So be more like a vegetarian to increase your life expectancy and live healthier. Finally, vegetables simply fill you up with very few calories . A healthy vegetarian diet should help maintain or lose weight. Why sex should be linked to life expectancy is something of a mystery. Of course, it could be that healthier people are more likely to have more sex and that the findings linking sex to life expectancy are reflecting this, but I think there is more to it.

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Studies show that sleeping more than nine hours a night is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, thinking problems and premature death. We know you probably don’t want to hear this, but if humans react anything like the rhesus monkeys in one study, then cutting calories by 30% will result in less diabetes, cancer, heart and brain disease. analyzed data from 6,710 adults over age 50 and measured their engagement in the “receptive arts,” such as going to museums, concerts, art galleries, operas or exhibitions. They found that those who went on a regular basis had a 31% lower risk of dying. Those who went just a few times a year still had a 14% lower risk.

Gray matter shrinks naturally with age, but less so when people stay active. While babysitting every day is stressful, regularly watching the grands can lower your risk of dying by a third, according to a 2016 study clicking here published in Evolution and Human Behavior. That adds up to an extra five years of life, researchers say.

Small shifts can fly under your own radar, adding up to big benefits over time without causing stress in your busy world. Consistency is more important than a short-term, grand gesture. Besides, looking at what’s already working in your day-to-day routine can help you feel energized and motivated to tweak a little more in a healthy direction. A study by University of Geneva researchers found that taking the stairs instead of the elevators reduced the risk of dying prematurely by 15 percent. What’s more, a daily stair climb shaves six months off your “brain age,” according to researchers at Concordia University who performed MRI scans on 331 people ages 19 to 79.

They speculate that caregiving gives grandparents a sense of purpose, and keeps them mentally and physically active. Eating a handful of nuts five times per week can lower your mortality risk from certain diseases. People residing at higher altitudes tend to live longer, a study by the University of Colorado and the Harvard School of Global Health revealed. Of the 20 healthiest counties in America, many are in Colorado and Utah. Researchers think lower oxygen levels might cause your body to adapt in ways that strengthen your heart and circulation.

  • It’s been known for a long time that the traditional biomedical model of disease — that you’re healthy until you get sick — is seriously flawed.
  • This is why I see The Longevity Project as a potential paradigm changer, not a “how-to” manual.
  • For example, connecting with and helping others is more important than obsessing over a rigorous exercise program.
  • We are discovering the many ways in which physical well-being and subjective well-being are two sides of the same coin.
  • Psychologists are probably best positioned to fix this outdated biomedical approach.

Your body is pretty amazing and will keep going for a long time as long as you keep it out of trouble. Stress has been linked to dozens of health conditions, including heart disease or cancer.

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In epidemiological studies, sleeping too little or substantially more has been shown to put people at greater risk of death. However, don’t confuse being conscientious or diligent with being neurotic about your health, a trait that may be linked to negative emotions like anxiety, anger, and depression. A simplified example might be that a neurotic person worries he might have cancer, and fearing the worst, doesn’t go to his doctor. By contrast, a conscientious person may still worry, but gets screened or tested, learns about the disease, and gets treated in a timely fashion.

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Also discovered by The Longevity Project, people with conscientious, hard-working personality traits had a longer life by an average of two to three years — that’s equivalent to a 20% to 30% decreased risk of early death. To our contemporary sentiments, this comes off as completely creepy, but it goes to show that when it comes to the quest for immortality, we’ve been grasping at straws for a long time. If you can do those things, then you are already increasing your life expectancy.

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